
:2020年05月19日 高校人才网

State Key Laboratory of Hydrology Water Resources and Hydraulic EngineeringRecruitment of Team LeadersApproved by the Ministry of Science and  Technology of the People's Republic ...

State Key Laboratory of Hydrology Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering

Recruitment of Team Leaders

Approved by the Ministry of Science and  Technology of the People's Republic of China, the State Key Laboratory  of Hydrology, Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering is established  jointly by Hohai  University and Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute.  It has been consecutively assessed as an excellent national key  laboratory by the Ministry of Science and Technology. To develop a national research platform with top-level researchers and first-class research products, the State Key Laboratory is  recruiting team leaders of five research directions. Outstanding  researchers from domestic and overseas are welcome to apply.

1.Position Description

Team leaders are recruited for the following five research directions:

(1) Water resources evolution mechanism and efficient utilization

(2) Watershed hydrological process and disaster prevention and mitigation

(3) River hydrodynamics and water ecological protection;

(4) Estuary coast integrated management and protection

(5) Water engineering safety and disaster mitigation

2. Requirements

(1) The successful candidate should have a PhD degree and meet the following requirements: 

 (a) The candidate should have a broad range  of expertise and could apply it to the real-world problems. The  candidate should have accomplished outstanding achievements and produced  a certain level academic influence. 

 (b) The candidate should have innovative  thoughts on the applied research direction, capable of catching up or  maintaining the internationally advanced research level.

(c) The candidate should have a correct  attitude, excellent moral character, and team spirit and will lead a  cutting-edge research program that seeks to address critical problems in  one of five research directions.

(d) The candidate should have working  experience in national and overseas well-known universities, research  institute, or companies, and have published a number of papers in  high-impact journals.

(2) Domestic candidates should have the  experience of hosting national-level basic research projects in the past  three years, such as key research and development projects, national  natural science fund priorities, major projects, etc., or undertaking  major national engineering research projects and achieving key  technological innovation products.

(3) Be awarded national or provincial-level science and technology awards.

(4) Applicants are generally not older than 55 years of age.

(5) Applicants who have outstanding achievements in the field applied may not be subject to the requirements above.

3. Work Condition, Salary and Bonus

(1) The salary, allowances and benefits will be commensurate with the qualifications of the applicants.

(2) The lab will provide regular funding to assist the team to carry out their research.

关键词: State Laboratory Hydrology Water Resources




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